about redt.me

Welcome to redt.me.  If you're reading this, you are likely contemplating one of the most important issues in life: Marriage.

For some, finding a zivug comes easy.  For others, it can take more time or become a challenge.  Fortunately,  our community boasts many dedicated individuals, methods and programs -- all designed to help you meet your match.

But if those methods have not worked for you, why not try something new?

Introducing, redt.me.   

Redt.me is a digital platform designed to help young men and women meet each other in a relaxed, pressure free environment.   

Disillusioned by dating and wary of ‎another long night out?  Redt.me is for you.

Don't want to travel a long distance to meet someone who seems interesting on paper?  Redt.me is for you.

Dismayed that people quickly scan and disregard resumes without taking the time to get to know the real you?  Redt.me is for you.   

Sound intriguing?  It is.  And it's all done via a discrete and secure system driven by some of our community's most renowned shadchanim, under the direct auspices of leading Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva.

Here’s how it works:

Redt.me is a 10 minute online facedate that is arranged by a verified redt.me shadchan. 

At the very start of the meeting, a question is posed to both parties.  This question is meant to be discussed for the first five minutes with both faces appearing slightly blurred. 

After 5 minutes the screens clear and you are free to talk about anything you wish.

The meeting ends after 10 minutes when the timer strikes zero.

You will then be asked whether you’d like to be redt to this person, need more time to think about it, or prefer to move on.

This experience was designed to speed up the process for singles to meet each other through an easy, free, and accessible way.  We hope you enjoy it and your feedback, as one of initial users, is appreciated. 


The redt.me team